You might recognize this beautiful face from a recent bridal/trash-the-dress session that we did several weeks ago. After that shoot, Lily took the photos to a local modeling agency and they signed her right away. Well, duh. She is now in the running for some very exciting gigs and needed a diverse portfolio asap. Who does she call…Picturesque. 🙂 We assembled the team and set to take shots of 6 looks in 3 hours…we didn’t quite make it in three, but we got some amazing shots. This girl a NATURAL. We started out with a commercial look, then she showed off a more dramatic look. Kate Burke (Senior Stylist, Ihloff Salon) did everything from an up-do to long-and-flowy to a sporty pony tail. This girl can work fast and efficiently! Lily’s friend Loriel came to help with the styling and did an amazing job. I have never seen so many clothes in such a small space! So. Much. Fun. I could do model shoots all day.
Model | Lily Van Kirk
Hair Styles | Kate Burke, Senior Stylist, Ihloff Salon
Stylist | Loriel Brown
Tech Guy, Business Manager, Driver, Prop Mover, Dinner Picker Upper, Husband | Heath Bringham